Ann Schomburg
Ann Schomburg engages in multimedia installations which range from performance photography, to video as well as objects. Her work deals with the personal consequences of her own female role in society and on how she associates these with fragments of her memories. Schomburg's work is characterised by the interplay between truth and deception, exhibitionism and voyeurism, existence and dissolution, control and loss, by blurring the boundaries between reality and the truth that has been created. The "Real" is just a vague rumor.
• Lives und works in Berlin
• International exhibitions include: Galerie Coucou Kassel, Kulturgeschichtliches Museum Osnabrück (2017), Art von Frei (2016), Haus am Lützowplatz (2015) , New Museum Detroit, Studio Galerie Saarbrücken und Kasseler Kulturbahnhof, Kassel (2014), Kunstverein Hannover (2008), Kunstverein Kassel (2011)
• Art awards: Kasseler Kunstpreis (2017), Margareten Preis Wien (2015), Kasseler Kunstpreis (2012), Auszeichnung des Unternehmensparks Kassel (2011)
• 2005 - 2012 Studied fine art at the Kunsthochschule Kassel, post-graduated with honors, Meisterschülerin of Prof. Urs Lüthi
• Guest studies at the Kunstakademie Karlsruhe and the Taiwan State University. Travels to New York, Nashville, China, Russia and Turkey
ANN SCHOMBURG // Photography behind Policeglas // Lightboxes // Interactive object // Installation view of the solo exhibition "Behind Blue Eyes" // Art von Frei // 2015